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Il sito con i domini specifici per Paese,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, è un progetto dell'Ufficio internazionale di MSF con sede a Ginevra.
Contatti amministrativi [email protected]
Rue de Lausanne 78
CP 116 – 1211
Geneva 21
Tel: +41 (22) 849.84.00
Fax: +41 (22) 849.84.04
Hosting: Infomaniak Network
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13 janvier 2010
Olivier said:
Merci d’avoir créé cet espace pour nous permettre de parler de ce conflit oublié des médias.
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20 janvier 2010
Evelyne said:
A tous je souaite beaucoup de courage et de persévérence. N’abandonnons pas l’avenir aux guerriers et aux pillards.
Continuons à montrer le bon exemple et à raconter à tous chaque effort que l’on fait pour se construire un monde meilleur.Même si la route est longue, chaque pas en avant compte; il ne faut pas se laisser abattre. Chaque bonne action est un exemple à suivre. Merci!
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24 janvier 2010
eva said:
Zware ontgoochelingen zijn het dan weer om Kabila met onze minister te zien lachen en drinken. Terwijl er zoveel mensen lijden. Kwaad word ik dan. Is de pers Congo weer vergeten? Vergeet de mensen niet!!!!
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25 janvier 2010
Annie said:
Merci MSF du travail admirable que vous faites au Congo, mais aussi à travers le monde. Un des vôtres a récemment soigné un de mes proches qui était atteint de la malaria et je vous en serai éternellement reconnaissante.
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25 janvier 2010
Terenzia said:
queste immagini dovrebbero far riflettere la gente sul mondo crudele in cui viviamo…bambini sono costretti a combattere, ad uccidere, a morire, per cosa?!? per colpa della stupidità degli adulti. non ci resta che sperare che un giorno i grandi cominceranno a comportarsi da tali.
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25 janvier 2010
Mike said:
Thanks for this webpage! I hope the conditions for families and people in Congo will get better soon.
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2 f�vrier 2010
Beto said:
Que um dia possamos ser irmãos de verdade, uns dos outros. Aí, todas essas guerras infundadas e bárbaras serão apenas uma vaga lembrança na memória da humanidade.
Até lá, louvado seja a iniciativa do MSF!
um grande abraço a todos!
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18 f�vrier 2010
Chis said:
Nice Site!
I think you are doing a great job given your situation!
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21 f�vrier 2010
Mark Medlock said:
Greetings from Germany Greetsiel
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21 f�vrier 2010
michael said:
Sehr informative und gut gemachte Webseite. Finde ich toll.
Gruß Michael
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25 f�vrier 2010
SEO said:
Thank you for these pictures. Only in this way you can show what happens in the world.
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2 mars 2010
Gilles Desjardins said:
Je suis abasourdi de voir l’absurdité de la race humaine, plusieurs pays influant tente de régler des différents par opportunité du gain financier, mais des situations ou des poignées de rebelles ici et là sans organisation national et facile a décimer pour ces pays avec bien sur une restructuration avec des programmes d’agriculture et d’encadrement “HUMANITAIRE” serais bien plus bienfaiteur et bénéfique que de gaspiller des milliards face a une psudo défense/encadrement bienfaitrice qui donne rien comme en Afghanistan!
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19 mars 2010
eva said:
We weten weer zo weinig nu! Alleen dat onze koning gaat…terwijl we zoveel dubbele gevoelens hebben daarover! Hoe kunnen, wij Belgen , vergeten wat Leopold II daar heeft gedaan? Hoeveel corruptie nog?
Hoe is de toestand daar nu? We maken ons vele zorgen!
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25 mars 2010
tom said:
Alles gute für die Menschen im Congo und natürlich auch für das Projekt!
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25 mars 2010
StorM said:
Ja ich finde die Seite sehr Informatif und wann wierd es mal entlich ruhig in Kongo -.- die armen Leute haben ja nichts ich war schon mal in Kongon und es sieht ja gerade nicht gut da aus aber das Hotel war sehr gut^^ na dann bye bye
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28 mars 2010
Turkey said:
Hi there! This Website is excellent and your work for the people of eastern congo is really creditable. Respekt
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1 avril 2010
Mikayla said:
Im doing a report on congo for my history class, just reading some of the storys on this site made me want to cry. People need to understand how lucky they are to live in a place that doesn’t have to go through what thease people have to go through. Kids my age having to leave school or are struggling through their everyday life. Of course we know there are things in the world that aren’t all perfect (like anything is). Your blogs and pictures are very touching and inlightened me into alot of things i didnt even think someone would do to someone else. And how very strong thease people are. Having to struggle through all thease things getting thrown there way. keep me updated i’d like to learn alot more. What you are doing (helping thease peole) is amasing.
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11 avril 2010
eva dutson said:
Im in the process of writing a paper on Doctors Without Borders.I have come across so many stories and pictures that tear my heart into pieces.My heart goes out to each and every one of you.You are all in my prayers.I will do what I can to bring more attention to your suffering.
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17 avril 2010
lea said:
Ja ich finde die Seite sehr Informatif und wann wierd es mal entlich ruhig in Kongo -.- die armen Leute haben ja nichts ich war schon mal in Kongon und es sieht ja gerade nicht gut da aus aber das Hotel war sehr gut^^ na dann bye bye
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23 avril 2010
nakissa said:
Imagine there’s no Heaven
It’s easy if you try
No Hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today
Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace … (yuhuuuuhh)
You may say I am a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world … (yuhuuuh)
You may say I am a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be as one
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25 avril 2010
MArie Ginkgo said:
Danke für diese tolle Webseite.
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27 avril 2010
Massagesessel Shop said:
Nice website full of high quality content. Keep on posting these good ones… THANX!
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27 avril 2010
Guusje said:
Ik vind dit echt onwerkelijk! Ik kan dit ook echt niet vergeten! Het is allemaal zo triest.Mensen die gewooon lijden voor niks, hun familie kwijt raken, kinderen!!! Ik kan dit echt niet verwerken. Wat een verhalen. Ik zal dit ook echt willen steunen en later een arts zonder grens worden!
Ik hoop dat alles weer snael goed komt en alles weer normaal wordt voor deze mensen! DENK AAN DEZE MENSEN!!!!!!!
Groetjes Guusje
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4 mai 2010
Favoriten said:
Big thanks for support the people of Eastern Congo
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11 mai 2010
Silber said:
Thank you for this interesting website - good job Best regards from Germany!
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15 mai 2010
Maik S. said:
Alles gute für alle User hier im Gästebuch und viel viel Erfolg euch allen. Lg Maik
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18 mai 2010
jennifer said:
Watching this makes me want to join Doctors Without Borders after med school. It’s literally heartbreaking.
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24 mai 2010
jeanine said:
Dat is alles wat ik NU zeggen kan.
Ik ga erover praten…ik ga het vertellen aan een ieder. Ook degene die het niet horen wil.
Dit moeten we blijven vertellen. Dit mag niet in stilte door blijven gaan. We kunnen onze ogen niet weg draaien. We mogen deze vrouwen niet in de kou laten staan
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27 mai 2010
Gigtopia said:
Besten Dank für die schöne Webseite
Grüße aus Deutschland
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3 juin 2010
Julie - Australia said:
To all these beautiful, strong , brave and amazing people …..our hearts go out to you all.
You and your families have the right to expect security and safety in your homeland. To be able to live without fear , to have the means to look after your families and to enjoy quality of life and equality.
With regard to all the innocent souls who have been damaged by this conflict,
it is essential that they have access to both medical and psychological support to enable them to move positively forward for future generations. They have been through so much and more than deserve the support of the international community.
What a wonderful job MSF is doing in providing them with a voice to relate their stories on an international platform. These are real people and their stories are important, memorable , and inspire action!
I am overwhelmingly moved by their courage and their plight.
Living in a country where the rights of all are respected, and where there are no real concerns for safety or for providing of basic needs of all ,
it is impossible to fathom that there is such inequality and suffering for so many people and their families.
This is a global issue that we should all be outraged about. How we can continue to allow yet another holocaust,
given the political stance we have on human rights the world over? Sadly it continues to be an ongoing issue in so many countries.
Having said that, I now more than ever appreciate the valuable work of MFS and their incredible staff, who work tirelessly towards the goal of giving these people hope, support and quality
medical care.
The work that MFS is doing to alert the world to the plight of the Conganese people is exemplary.
Now more than ever I will continue to support MSF in their struggle to assist these people in their fight for a better future. If all gave just a little … imagine.
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9 juin 2010
Larissa Van Waes said:
Je reviens du vernissage au Botanique ce 9 juin 2010. Beaucoup d’émotions face à vos prises de vue.
Comme si là-bas, le monde existait uniquement en négatif.
SVP Cédric, savez-vous s’il existe une ONG vraiment fiable via laquelle il est possible de parrainer les enfants des camps de réfugiés en Ituri, au Nord Kivu, pour que concrètement ils puissent être scolarisés?
D’avance merci, au plaisir de vous lire.
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10 juin 2010
Feuerwehr Spiele said:
Nice webpage! I hope the conditions for people in Congo will get better.
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13 juin 2010
chris said:
i can not find you on facebook, plz help
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13 juin 2010
Mike van Dyk said:
Thank you for this very very nice website - you´ve done a great job.
Best regards from Germany!
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13 juin 2010
Jonglage said:
alles Gute für alle hier im Gästebuch..
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14 juin 2010
anonse said:
Greetengs, nice site:)
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15 juin 2010
Sjaak. said:
Ik doe een werkstuk over Congo en op deze site vind er veel info over, op google enzo vind je niet zo veel. Ik heb het filmpje gekeken en vind het echt zielig voor de burgers. Ik hoop voor hun dat de oorlog snel af is gelopen! En trouwens..
Mooie site! =]
Gr. Sjaak.
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15 juin 2010
Wandtattoo said:
Nice Webpage, best regards Jonas
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28 juin 2010
Jeremi Lundeya said:
‘You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.’
— Richard Buckminster Fuller
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4 juillet 2010
kaiser said:
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14 juillet 2010
Karikaturist said:
Thank you for this very nice website,
best regards from Germany!
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26 juillet 2010
PC Boxen said:
Many greets from Germany, really liked your site!
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31 juillet 2010
Stefan said:
Very nice Website! Impressive work. Respect and greetings from Germany!
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10 ao�t 2010
Immobilien Nürnberg said:
You have a great Website, very informative. I hope you’ll get the support you need to keep on helping those people to live a better life.
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4 septembre 2010
Bettwäsche aus Seide said:
Wow greate website with so much deep informations. I like it and hope you won’t stop working on your site
Best greetings from Germany!
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24 septembre 2010
Tracy said:
Hello from Australia -
Wow, what a powerful website. Good luck with your endeavours - what an awful plight East Congo is in.
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6 octobre 2010
Micaela said:
MSF Realiza un trabajo en serio maravilloso… los felicito xq gracias a ustedes hay personas que se aun viven.. cada mision que se disponen a cumplir es un enorme paso para nuestro planeta.. y nuestra sociedad.. realizan un trabajo tan lleno de soliradidad y humanismo.. que merecen todoooo..! yo solo tengo 16 años pro sueño con algun dia poder trabajar pra ustedes y ser parte de esto.. de ayudar con un pequeño grano de arena a las personas que mas lo necesitan…
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16 novembre 2010
Beto said:
God blees all of you in MSF!